Monday, November 7, 2011

Canton Fall Classic

Sorry I have been missing over this past week, work has been super busy so by the time I'm finished at night I'm too exhausted to blog.

Last week my 5k road race, Canton Fall Classic, that I was supposed to run with a few girls from the gym got postponed until yesterday due to the crazy weather we had. Yesterday we had a beautiful fall morning to run the race. I was planning on sticking with the girls the entire race but the course was a lot hillier then I expected so I needed to just run my own pace because I can't slow down on hills or I never get up them. I finished in 24:51 which wasn't a PR for me but I was happy with it. When I looked up by time today I also noticed I came in second in my age group.

Next week I have another half marathon on a hilly course so I'm not too sure how this one will go, especially since it will be my third half in about a month and a half. I love the half marathon distance though it is so much more bearable than a full.
After finishing the 5k
Question: What is your favorite race distance?