Monday, June 27, 2011

26.2 Relay with BOMF

Saturday I participated in a marathon relay with fellow BOMF members. Each participant ran a one mile leg which was four times around the track at Tufts University in Medford.

The relay was supposed to start at 8:00am but because it was raining very hard they delayed the start until 8:30 which was the best idea. The rain stopped just in time for the delayed 8:30 start.
Team Quincy

Team Leader Lisa
My leg was the 8th leg which I rocked at if you ask me. I set a PR for my mile running a 6:34 minute mile, I was so excited that I did a sub seven mile. Our team came in 11th out of 12th which we were very happy that we didn't come in last since we included everyone on our team and not just our super fast runners like a lot of other teams did. 


Question: How did you feel when you set a running PR?

1 comment:

  1. Fun! You ran a great mile!
    I was always incredulous when I ran my PRs...I thought there had to be something wrong with the clocks. :P


I love hearing your comments so please share!