Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"The Weight is Over"

On Sunday I signed up for this new program, The Weight is Over, that my gym is offering in May which lasts for 30 days. It is a motivating program where I will meet with my trainer, Keri, two times a week for 45 minutes for four weeks. To go along with the training Keri did a fitness evaluation on me which included taking my measurements and reviewing my diet. One major flaw we saw in my diet was the lack of variety in my meals. I usually eat the same breakfast and snacks so I need to make sure I shake that up.

My first 45 minute session is today where we will review our plan for the four weeks and figure out what we want to focus on. Keri already sent me an e-mail about how I am not going to like her tonight, so I think I am in for a treat and I can't wait!

With summer and bathing suit season soon approaching I really want to firm up my stomach and arms and I know a lot of that has to do with my diet. Below are a few goals I hope to accomplish during these 30 days are:
 1. Gain muscle definition in my arms
2. Loose weight and/or see differences in my measurements
3. Cut out all dairy
4. Increase protein
5. Create variety in my daily meals
6. Write down everything I eat and measure out portions

My food journal
Question: What are some goals you have right now?


  1. Thsoe look like some great goals! I am trying to work on being happier with myself and not being so HARD on myself!

  2. @thehealthyapron Those are awesome goals, it never helps to be super hard on ourselves.

  3. My goals right now are to incorporate strength training in my fitness routine and improve my running, esp breathing.


I love hearing your comments so please share!